Source code for nashpy.algorithms.lemke_howson

"""A class for the Lemke Howson algorithm"""
import warnings
from itertools import cycle

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typing import Tuple, Set, Iterable
from nashpy.integer_pivoting import (

[docs]def shift_tableau(tableau: npt.NDArray, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> npt.NDArray: """ Shift a tableau to ensure labels of pairs of tableaux coincide Parameters ---------- tableau : array a tableau corresponding to a vertex of a polytope. shape : tuple the required shape of the tableau Returns ------- array The shifted tableau """ return np.append( np.roll(tableau[:, :-1], shape[0], axis=1), np.ones((shape[0], 1)), axis=1, )
[docs]def tableau_to_strategy( tableau: npt.NDArray, basic_labels: Set[int], strategy_labels: Iterable ) -> npt.NDArray: """ Return a strategy vector from a tableau Parameters ---------- tableau : array a tableau corresponding to a vertex of a polytope. basic_labels : set the set of basic labels. strategy_labels : Iterable the set of labels that correspond to strategies. Returns ------- array A strategy. """ vertex = [] for column in strategy_labels: if column in basic_labels: for i, row in enumerate(tableau[:, column]): if row != 0: vertex.append(tableau[i, -1] / row) else: vertex.append(0) strategy = np.array(vertex) return strategy / sum(strategy)
[docs]def lemke_howson( A: npt.NDArray, B: npt.NDArray, initial_dropped_label: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]: """ Obtain the Nash equilibria using the Lemke Howson algorithm implemented using integer pivoting. Algorithm implemented here is Algorithm 3.6 of [Nisan2007]_. 1. Start at the artificial equilibrium (which is fully labeled) 2. Choose an initial label to drop and move in the polytope for which the vertex has that label to the edge that does not share that label. (This is implemented using integer pivoting) 3. A label will now be duplicated in the other polytope, drop it in a similar way. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until have Nash Equilibrium. Parameters ---------- A : array The row player payoff matrix B : array The column player payoff matrix initial_dropped_label: int The initial dropped label. Returns ------- Tuple An equilibria """ if np.min(A) <= 0: A = A + abs(np.min(A)) + 1 if np.min(B) <= 0: B = B + abs(np.min(B)) + 1 # build tableaux col_tableau = make_tableau(A) col_tableau = shift_tableau(col_tableau, A.shape) row_tableau = make_tableau(B.transpose()) full_labels = set(range(sum(A.shape))) if initial_dropped_label in non_basic_variables(row_tableau): tableux = cycle((row_tableau, col_tableau)) else: tableux = cycle((col_tableau, row_tableau)) # First pivot (to drop a label) entering_label = pivot_tableau(next(tableux), initial_dropped_label) while ( non_basic_variables(row_tableau).union(non_basic_variables(col_tableau)) != full_labels ): entering_label = pivot_tableau(next(tableux), next(iter(entering_label))) row_strategy = tableau_to_strategy( row_tableau, non_basic_variables(col_tableau), range(A.shape[0]) ) col_strategy = tableau_to_strategy( col_tableau, non_basic_variables(row_tableau), range(A.shape[0], sum(A.shape)), ) if row_strategy.shape != (A.shape[0],) and col_strategy.shape != (A.shape[0],): msg = """The Lemke Howson algorithm has returned probability vectors of incorrect shapes. This indicates an error. Your game could be degenerate.""" warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) return row_strategy, col_strategy