Best responses

Motivating example: Best Responses in Matching Pennies

Considering the game Matching Pennies:

\[\begin{split}A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1\\ -1 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad B = \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 1\\ 1 & -1 \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

If the row player knows that the column player is playing the strategy \(\sigma_c=(0, 1)\) the utility of the row player is maximised by playing \(\sigma_r=(0, 1)\).

In this case \(\sigma_r\) is referred to as a best response to \(\sigma_c\).

Alternatively, if the column player knows that the row player is playing the strategy \(\sigma_r=(0, 1)\) the column player’s best response is \(\sigma_c=(1, 0)\).

Definition of a best response in a normal form game

In a two player game \((A,B)\in{\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}}^2\) a strategy \(\sigma_r^*\) of the row player is a best response to a column players’ strategy \(\sigma_c\) if and only if:

\[\sigma_r^*=\text{argmax}_{\sigma_r\in \mathcal{S}_1}\sigma_rA\sigma_c^T.\]

Where \(\mathcal{S}_1\) denotes the space of all strategies for the first player.

Similarly a mixed strategy \(\sigma_c^*\) of the column player is a best response to a row players’ strategy \(\sigma_r\) if and only if:

\[\sigma_c^*=\text{argmax}_{\sigma_c\in \mathcal{S}_2}\sigma_rB\sigma_c^T.\]


For the Prisoners Dilemma:

What is the row player’s best response to either of the actions of the column player?

Generic best responses in 2 by 2 games

In two player normal form games with \(|A_1|=|A_2|=2\): a 2 by 2 game, the utility of a row player playing \(\sigma_r=(x, 1 - x)\) against a strategy \(\sigma_c = (y, 1 - y)\) is linear in \(x\):

\[\begin{split}u_r(\sigma_r, \sigma_c) &= (x, 1 - x) A (y, 1 - y) ^T \\ &= A_{11}xy + A_{12}x(1-y) + A_{21}(1-x)y + A_{22}(1-x)(1-y) \\ &= a x + b\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}a &= A_{11}y + A_{12}(1 - y) - A_{21}y - A_{22}(1 - y)\\ b &= A_{21}y + A_{22}(1 - y)\end{split}\]

This observation allows us to obtain the best response \(\sigma_r^*\) against any \(\sigma_c = (y, 1 - y)\).

For example, consider Matching Pennies. Below is a plot of \(u_r(\sigma_r, \sigma_c)\) as a function of \(y\) for \(\sigma_r \in \{(1, 0), (0, 1)\}\).

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Given that the utilities in both cases are linear, the best response to any value of \(y \ne 1/2\) is either \((1, 0)\) or \((0, 1\). The best response \(\sigma_r^*\) is given by:

\[\begin{split}\sigma_r ^* = \begin{cases} (1, 0),& \text{ if } y > 1/2\\ (0, 1),& \text{ if } y < 1/2\\ \text{indifferent},& \text{ if } y=1/2 \end{cases}\end{split}\]


For the Matching Pennies game:

What is the column player’s best response as a function of \(x\) where \(\sigma_r=(x, 1 - x)\).

General condition for a best response

In a two player game \((A,B)\in{\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}}^2\) a strategy \(\sigma_r^*\) of the row player is a best response to a column players’ strategy \(\sigma_c\) if and only if:

\[{\sigma_{r^*}}_i > 0 \Rightarrow (A\sigma_c^T)_i = \text{max}_{k \in \mathcal{A}_2}(A\sigma_c ^ T)_k \text{ for all }i \in \mathcal{A}_1\]


\((A\sigma_c^T)_i\) is the utility of the row player when they play their \(i^{\text{th}}\) action. Thus:


Let \(u=\max_{k}(A\sigma_c^T)_k\) giving:

\[\begin{split}\sigma_rA\sigma_c^T&=\sum_{i=1}^{m}{\sigma_r}_i(u - u + (A\sigma_c^T)_i)\\ &=\sum_{i=1}^{m}{\sigma_r}_iu - \sum_{i=1}^{m}{\sigma_r}_i(u - (A\sigma_c^T)_i)\\ &=u - \sum_{i=1}^{m}{\sigma_r}_i(u - (A\sigma_c^T)_i)\end{split}\]

We know that \(u - (A\sigma_c^T)_i\geq 0\), thus the largest \(\sigma_rA\sigma_c^T\) can be is \(u\) which occurs if and only if \({\sigma_r}_i > 0 \Rightarrow (A\sigma_c^T)_i = u\) as required.


For the Rock Paper Scissors game:

Which of the following pairs of strategies are best responses to each other:

  1. \(\sigma_r=(0, 0, 1) \text{ and } \sigma_c=(0, 1/2, 1/2)\)

  2. \(\sigma_r=(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) \text{ and } \sigma_c=(0, 1/2, 1/2)\)

  3. \(\sigma_r=(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) \text{ and } \sigma_c=(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)\)

Definition of Nash equilibrium

In a two player game \((A, B)\in {\mathbb{R}^{m \times n}} ^ 2\), \((\sigma_r, \sigma_c)\) is a Nash equilibria if \(\sigma_r\) is a best response to \(\sigma_c\) and \(\sigma_c\) is a best response to \(\sigma_r\).

Using Nashpy

See Check if a strategy is a best response for guidance of how to use Nashpy to check if a strategy is a best response.