.. _how-to-check-for-insensitive-language: How to check for insensitive language ===================================== The documentation is checked for insensitive or inconsiderate language using `alex `_. How to install alex ------------------- To install alex run:: $ npm install alex --global Note that this required node, information on install node is available here: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm How to run alex --------------- To run alex on the documentation:: $ alex docs**/*.rst To run alex on the :code:`README.md` file:: $ alex README.md How to ignore some checks ------------------------- To ignore some specific checks annotations can be used. For example :ref:`john-nash-reference` is annotated to ignore insensitive related to gendered pronouns: .. code-block:: md :emphasize-lines: 1,2,14,15 .. .. This library is named after the mathematician John Nash. He is most famous for his work in Game Theory that culminated in him winning a Noble prize in Economics. The book [Nasar2011]_ (popularized in a 2001 movie) gives a good overview of his life. The work he received a Noble prize for was a proof that a game **always** has an equilibrium [Nash1950]_. His proof is an exceptional piece of mathematics where he uses a fixed point theorem by showing that an equilibrium is equivalent to a fixed point of a function. .. .. Another example is the :code:`README.md` file where an annotation is added to ignore a specific use of the word "bi": .. code-block:: md :emphasize-lines: 3 ## Usage Create bi-matrix games by passing two 2 dimensional arrays/lists: