The code structure of Nashpy ============================ The directory structure ----------------------- The directory structure for Nashpy is:: ├── src/ ├── tests/ ├── docs/ ├── ├── ├── LICENSE ├── ├── paper.bib ├── ├── pyproject.toml ├── .readthedocs.yml ├── setup.cfg └── tox.ini Here is a brief description of each of these: The :code:`src/` directory ************************** The :code:`src/` directory contains the source code. It's structure is as follows:: src/ └── nashpy    ├──    ├──    ├── algorithms/    ├── integer_pivoting/    ├── learning/    └── polytope/ - The :code:`` file contains the various commands to import all the functionality of the library. - The :code:`` file contains the main :code:`nashpy.Game` class. - The :code:`algorithms/` directory contains further modules with algorithms for computation of Nash equilibria. - The :code:`integer_pivoting/` directory contains further modules with algorithms for integer pivoting. - The :code:`learning/` directory contains further modules for various learning algorithms. - The :code:`polytope` directory contains further modules with code for :ref:`best response polytopes `. The :code:`tests/` directory **************************** This contains all the test files. The :code:`docs/` directory **************************** The documentation is written using the Diataxis framework [Procida2021]_. As well as various configuration files for :ref:`sphinx ` there are 5 main subdirectories:: docs/ ├── contributing │   ├── discussion/ │   ├── how-to/ │   ├── index.rst │   ├── reference/ │   └── tutorial/ ├── discussion/ ├── how-to/ ├── index.rst ├── reference/ └── tutorial/ - The :code:`contributing/` directory contains the specific contributing documentation. Which itself is written using Diataxis [Procida2021]_. - The :code:`discussion/` directory contains source files for the discussion described at [Procida2021]_ as: "explanation is discussion that clarifies and illuminates a particular topic." - The :code:`reference/` directory contains source files for the reference described at [Procida2021]_ as: "reference guides are technical descriptions of the machinery and how to operate it." - The :code:`how-to/` directory contains source files for the how to guides described at [Procida2021]_ as: "how-to guides are directions that take the reader through the steps required to solve a real-world problem" - The :code:`tutorial/` directory contains source files for the tutorial described at [Procida2021]_ as: "tutorials are lessons that take the reader by the hand through a series of steps to complete a project of some kind." The :code:`` file *************************** Makes a note of different changes in versions of Nashpy. The :code:`` file **************************** Contains information for citing Nashpy. The :code:`LICENSE` file ************************ Contains the license. The :code:`` file ************************** Contains the first entry point documentation to the Nashpy project. The :code:`paper.bib` and :code:`` files ************************************************ These are the source files for the `Journal of Open Source Software `_ paper written about Nashpy: [Knight2018b]_. .. _pyproject.toml-file: The :code:`pyproject.toml` file ******************************* Contains all the build instructions for packaging Nashpy and is used by :ref:`flit `. The :code:`.readthedocs.yml` file ********************************* .. This includes configuration settings for the online service that hosts the documentation :ref:`read the docs `. .. The :code:`setup.cfg` file ************************** Contains some configuration instructions for testing. The :code:`tox.ini` file ************************ Contains the instructions for the test runner :code:`tox`. The Game class -------------- The :code:`nashpy.Game` class is an umbrella class that creates an object oriented interface to all functionality of Nashpy as methods on a game.