Checking for insensitive language with alex =========================================== `alex `_ is a tool that allows you to identify insensitive and/or inconsiderate language in written prose. The following description is taken from the project page: "Whether your own or someone else’s writing, alex helps you find gender favoring, polarizing, race related, religion inconsiderate, or other unequal phrasing in text." As an example consider the following markdown file: .. literalinclude:: /_static/contributing/discussion/alex/ If we run alex on it:: $ alex We get:: $ alex 3:1-3:3 warning `He` may be insensitive, use `They`, `It` instead he-she retext-equality ⚠ 1 warning Correcting the markdown file to: .. literalinclude:: /_static/contributing/discussion/alex/ Running alex now gives:: $ alex no issues found The above example is quite a clear one, alex assists by identifying errors like this but also more subtle ones. It is possible to ignore certain checks `using a configuration file `_ but as described in :ref:`the how to guide ` it is also possible to annotate the file itself. This is preferred as it makes exceptions explicit. FAQ --- The Frequently asked questions about alex can be found here: This includes: Q: This is stupid! A: Not a question. And yeah, alex isn’t very smart. People are much better at this. But people make mistakes, and alex is there to help The Nashpy library uses alex for exactly this reason, it is one of many efforts made to ensure the project is inclusive.