Regret Minimization


In the context of game theory, “Regret” refers to the difference between a player’s actual payoff and the payoff they would have received by playing a different strategy. By minimising regrets, players converge towards a Nash Equilibrium where no player has an incentive to deviate from their chosen strategy unilaterally

Regret minimization is a concept used in game theory to model how players learn and adapt their strategies over time. It measures the “regret” experienced by a player for not choosing a different strategy that could have yielded a better outcome in hindsight.

Mathematically, let’s consider a sequential game where player \(i\) selects a strategy from a set \(S_i\) at each time step. The regret \(R_i(t)\) of player \(i\) at time \(t\) with respect to strategy \(s\) is defined as:

\[R_i(t) = \max_{s' \in S_i} \sum_{\tau=1}^{t} u_i(s', s_{-i}^\tau) - \sum_{\tau=1}^{t} u_i(s, s_{-i}^\tau)\]

where: - \(s_{-i}^\tau\) represents the joint strategy profile of all players except \(i\) up to time \(\tau\). - \(u_i(s, s_{-i}^\tau)\) is the utility or payoff obtained by player \(i\) when playing strategy \(s\) against the joint strategy \(s_{-i}^\tau\).

The regret measures how much payoff player \(i\) could have gained if they had chosen a different strategy instead of \(s\) in each time step up to time \(t\).

Regret Minimization Implementation

An algorithm can be used to minimize “regret” by iteratively updating strategies based on past regrets. At each time step, a player selects the strategy that minimizes their regret. This approach aims to converge towards a strategy profile with low regret.

Mathematically, the algorithm can be summarized as follows:

  • Initialize strategies for all players.

  • At each time step \(t\): - Calculate the regret for each player based on their current strategy. - Update strategies by selecting the option that minimizes regret for each player.

  • Repeat until convergence or a stopping condition is met.

By iteratively updating strategies to minimize regret, players can learn to make better decisions over time and potentially converge towards a Nash equilibrium in the game.

Using Nashpy

See Use with Regret Minimization for guidance of how to use Nashpy to use Regret Minimization.